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CHIBOW researchers attend workshop on Qualitative Content Analysis with Prof. Dr. Philipp Mayring

CHIBOW researchers Sophie Roupetz, Saskia Mitreuter, Eva Käuper, and Lisa Haberkern (from left to right) attended a three-day intensive workshop on Qualitative Content Analysis (QCA; see e.g. Mayring, 2010) in Velden, Austria with reknown researcher Prof. Dr. Philipp Mayring.

During the workshop they learned how to code and analyze interview transcripts by constructing either inductive or deductive categories and how to use QCAmap, a software for text analysis developed by Fenzl and Mayring (2013). QCA is a method that produces quantifiable output from text and is therefore suitable for Mixed Method approaches and research questions that look for answers manifest in a text. It is an important aspect of QCA to not look for latent meaning in text.

Therefore, QCA is a relatively quick method of analyzing text material and proves particularly useful in analyzing a bigger number of interviews.

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