Amy Wilkins //
Network Project Manager
Prior to joining the CHIBOW ITN based in the School of History and Culture at the University of Birmingham, Amy managed an EU funded research project based in Electrical engineering at the University that focused on developing a new generation of robots with the capacity to empathise with humans. Before joining the University Amy worked in research and project management in the private/charity sector, specialising in the field of equality and human rights. Her most recent post involved managing a portfolio of research projects investigating the experience of minority groups in various contexts, from NHS based cancer services to state funded secondary education. Amy is responsible for project management on CHIBOW.
Amy first attended the University of Birmingham as a student in the American and Canadian studies department, spending a year of her programme in Canada at the University of Toronto. Feeling at home in Canada, Amy returned to Canada after graduating to work in Vancouver at the Parkinson’s Society of British Columbia.