1. Overview/historical perspectives on CBOW
D'Costa, B. (2008). Victory's silence: War babies in Bangladesh, Himal Southasian (pp. 56-59). Retrieved from http://www.himalmag.com/tbc.php?bid=167
Ericsson, K., & Simonsen, E. (2008). On the border: The contested children of the Second World War. Childhood, 15 (3). 397-414. doi: 10.1177/0907568208091670
Diederichs, M. (2009). Moffenkinder: Children of the occupation in the Netherlands. Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung, 34(3), 304-320. Retrieved from http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-287305
Lee, S. (2017). Children born of war in the twentieth century. Manchester University Press.
Lemke, Y. C., & Muniz de F. (2005). Black German occupation children - Objects of study in the continuity of German race anthropology. In K. Ericsson & E. Simonsen (Eds.), Children of World War II – The hidden enemy legacy (pp. 249-266). Oslo: Bloomsbury Academic.
Mochmann, I. (2017). Children Born of War - A Decade of International and Interdisciplinary Research. Historical Social Research, 42, (1), 320-346.
Mochmann, I.C., & Lee, S. (2009). Children born of war during and after WWII. Historical Social Research, 34 (3).
Mochmann, I. C., Lee, S., & Stelzl-Marx, B. (Eds.). (2009). Children born of war: Second World War and beyond / Kinder des Krieges: Zweiter Weltkrieg und danach. Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung: HSR Special Issue, 34 (3).
Mochmann, I. C., & Øland, A. (2009). Der lange Schatten des Zweiten Weltkriegs: Kinder deutscher Wehrmachtssoldaten und einheimischer frauen in Dänemark / The long shadow of the Second World War: children of German soldiers and local women born in Denmark. Historische Sozialforschung / Historical Social Research, 34 (3), 282-303.
Mochmann, I. C., & Larsen, I. U. (2005). Kriegskinder in Europa / War children in Europe. Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte , 18-19 (34-38).
Muhlhauser, R. (2005). Between extermination and Germanization: Children of German men in the occupied east territories, 1942-1945. In K. Ericsson & E. Simonsen (Eds.), Children of World War II: The hidden enemy legacy (pp . 167-189). Oslo: Bloomsbury Academic.
Torgovnik, J. (2009). Intended consequences: Rwandan children born of rape. New York: Aperture.
Virgili, F. Enfants de Boches: The war children of France. In K. Ericsson & E. Simonsen (Eds.). (2005). Children of World War II: The hidden enemy legacy (pp . 138- 150). Oslo: Bloomsbury Academic.
2. Belonging and identity
Apio, E. O. (2016). Children born of war in northern Uganda: kinship, marriage, and the politics of post-conflict reintegration in Lango society. Doctoral Dissertion. University of Birmingham.
Apio, E. (2002). Challenges of integrating children born in armed conflict; A study of children born of the Lord's Resistance, Gulu Municipality, 1990-2003. M.A. thesis, Makere University. In C. Bob (Ed.). (2010), The International Struggle for New Human Rights . Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Baldi, G., & MacKenzie, M. (2007). Silent identities. Children born of war in Sierra Leone. In R. C. Carpenter, (Ed.), Born of war: Protecting children of sexual violence survivors in conflict zones (pp. 78-93). Bloomfield: Kumarian Press.
Carpenter, R. C. (2007). Gender, ethnicity, and children’s human rights. Theorizing babies born of wartime rape and sexual exploitation. In R. C. Carpenter, (Ed.), Born of war: Protecting children of sexual violence survivors in conflict zones (pp. 1-20). Bloomfield: Kumarian Press.
Daniel, J. (2003). No man’s child: The war-rape orphans. M.A. thesis, Boltzmann Institute for or Human Rights, Vienna, Austria. http://people.umass.edu/charli/childrenbornofwar/Daniel-WP.pdf
Denov, M., Wooler, L., Bahati J. P., Nsuki, P., Shyaka, O. (2017). The Intergenerational Legacy of Genocidal Rape: The Realities and Perspectives of Children Born of the Rwandan Genocide. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. https://doi.org/10.1177/0886260517708407
Erjavec, K. and Volcic, Z. (2010). ́Target ́, ́cancer ́and ́warrior ́: Exploring painful metaphors of self-presentation used by girls born of war rape. Discourse Society, 21 (5), 524-543.
Fuchs, B. (2011). Love and identity - Wehrmacht children in Denmark / Liebe und Identität.
Grieg, K. (2001). The war children of the world. Bergen: War and Children Identity Project. Retrieved from http://www.academia.edu/2189623/The_war_children_of_the_world
Hamel, M.-E. (2016). Ethnic belonging of the children born out of rape in postconflict Bosnia-Herzegovina and Rwanda. Nations and Nationalism , 22 (2), 287- 304.
Seto, D. (2016). No Place for a War Baby: The Global Politics of Children Born of Wartime . New York: Routledge. 6
Weitsman, P. (2007). Children born of war and the politics of identity. In R. C. Carpenter, (Ed.), Born of war: Protecting children of sexual violence survivors in conflict zones (pp. 110-127). Bloomfield: Kumarian Press
3. Social, psychological and physical wellbeing of CBOW
Bonnet, C. (1993). The silence of Croatia’s children. International Children’s Rights Monitor , 10 (3) pp. 12-15. In Carpenter, R. C. (n.d.). War’s impact on children born of rape and sexual exploitation: Physical, economic and psychosocial dimensions. University of Pittsburgh. Retrieved from http://people.umass.edu/charli/childrenbornofwar/Carpenter-WP.pdf
Denov, M., Lakor, A. (2017). When war is better than peace: The post-conflict realities of children born of wartime rape in northern Uganda. Child Abuse and Neglect , 65, 255–265.
Harris, R. (1993). The child of the barbarian: rape, race and nationalism in France during the First World War, Past & Present, 141 (1), 170-206. doi: 10.1093/past/141.1.170
Horvath, D. (1993). Children of the rapes. World Press Review. In Carpenter, R. C. (n.d.). War’s impact on children born of rape and sexual exploitation: Physical, economic and psychosocial dimensions. University of Pittsburgh. Retrieved from http://people.umass.edu/charli/childrenbornofwar/Carpenter-WP.pdf
Carpenter, R.C. (n.d.). War’s impact on children born of rape and sexual exploitation: Physical, economic and psychosocial dimensions. University of Pittsburgh. Retrieved from http://people.umass.edu/charli/childrenbornofwar/Carpenter-WP.pdf
Kaiser, M., Glaesmer, H., & Kuwert, P. (2013, April). Psychosocial consequences of being a child of war: An empirical German study. International Network for Interdisciplinary Research on Children Born of War. 1. Retrieved from http://static1.squarespace.com/static/554c5953e4b049566853c20c/t/5550875be4b043 d4fe6ad6f0/1431340891510/INIRC_NewsletterNo.1_2013.pdf
McKelvey, R. S. (1999). The dust of life: America's children abandoned in Vietnam. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
Murphy, M., & Knight, A. (March 2004) . HIV-AIDS and war babies’ human rights. Paper presented at the International Studies Association workshop entitled War Babies. In Carpenter, R. C. [n.d.]. War’s impact on children born of rape and sexual exploitation: Physical, economic and psychosocial dimensions. University of Pittsburgh. Retrieved from http://people.umass.edu/charli/childrenbornofwar/Carpenter-WP.pdf
Williamson, J. (1993). Bosnian children of war: The adoption question. In Carpenter, R. C. (n.d.). War’s impact on children born of rape and sexual exploitation: Physical, economic and psychosocial dimensions. University of Pittsburgh. Retrieved from http://people.umass.edu/charli/childrenbornofwar/Carpenter-WP.pdf
4. Ethical and methodological challenges around doing research with CBOW
Mochmann, I. C. (2006). Consolidating the evidence base of children born of war. ZA-Information, 59, 198-199.
Mochmann, I. C. (2008). Empirical, historical, sociological, cultural and interdisciplinary approaches: problems and chances for future systematic research. Children born of war. The children of the occupations during and after the Second World War. University of Birmingham.
Mochmann, I. C. (June 2009). Developing a methodology for the research field of children born of war. Paper presented at the Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Warschau.
Mochmann, I. C., & DeTombe, D. J. (2010). The COMPRAM methodology and complex societal problems - an analysis of the case of children born of war. Organizacija, 43( 3), 113-124. doi: 10.2478/v10051-010-00123
Mochmann, I. C. (October 2010). How to increase the knowledge based on war affected populations - methodological considerations on the group of children born of war. Paper presented at International and Multidisciplinary Conference on children and war: Past and present, University of Salzburg.
Mochmann, I. C. (July 2013). Ethical considerations in doing research on hidden populations – the case of children born of war. Paper presented at Second International Multidisciplinary Conference Children and War - Past and Present, Salzburg.
Mochmann, I. C. (October 2013). Ethical and methodological challenges in researching hidden and vulnerable populations - the example of children born of war. Paper presented at Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, Cambridge.
Simonsen, E. (2006). Into the open - or hidden away? The construction of war 9 children as a social category in post-war Norway and Germany. NordEuropaforum , 2 , pp. 25-49. Retrieved from http://edoc.hu-berlin.de/nordeuropaforum/2006- 2/simonsen-eva-25/PDF/simonsen.pdf
van Ee, E., & Kleber, R. J. (2013). Growing up under a shadow: Key Issues in research on and treatment of children born of rape. Child Abuse Review, 22( 6), 386- 397. doi: 10.1002/car.2270
5. Responsibility, accountability and human rights for CBOW
Apio, E. (2007). Uganda's forgotten children of war. In R. C. Carpenter, (Ed.), Born of war: Protecting children of sexual violence survivors in conflict zones (pp. 94- 109). Bloomfield: Kumarian Press.
Baldi, G. (March 2004). Sierra Leone war babies: International invisibility, country- 10 level response. Paper presented at the International Studies Association Workshop: War Babies, Montreal. In Carpenter, R. C. War [n.d.]. Impact on children born of rape and sexual exploitation: Physical, economic and psychosocial dimensions. University of Pittsburgh. Retrieved from http://people.umass.edu/charli/childrenbornofwar/CarpenterWP.pdf
Borgersrud, L. (2004). Staten og krigsbarna: En historisk undersøkelse av statsmyndighetenes behandling av krigsbarna i de første etterkrigsårene / The state and war children. A historical survey of the state government's treatment of war children in the first years after the war. (pp. 85-137). University of Oslo. Retrieved from https://www.regjeringen.no/no/dokumenter/nou-2004-23/id387932/?ch=17
Carpenter, R. C. (2004). Norms, international agenda-setting and dogs that don’t bark: children born of wartime rape as a non-issue for the children’s rights network. Retrieved from http://people.umass.edu/charli/childrenbornofwar/Carpenter-WP.pdf
Carpenter, R.C. (2007). Protecting children born of war. In R. C. Carpenter, (Ed.), Born of war: Protecting children of sexual violence survivors in conflict zones (pp. 210- 224). Bloomfield: Kumarian Press.
Carpenter, R. C. (2002). Protecting children born of sexual violence: A new report to the humanitarian sector. University of Pittsburgh. Retrieved from https://www.fordinstitute.pitt.edu/Portals/3/Pub_PDF/protection_children_born_of_se xual_violence.pdf
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Carpenter, R. C., Grieg, K., Sharkey, D., & Wheeler, R. (2005). Protecting children born of sexual violence and exploitation in conflict zones: Existing practice and knowledge gaps. University of Pittsburgh. Retrieved from http://www.isn.ethz.ch/Digital-Library/Publications/Detail/?lang=en&id=15144
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DeLaet, D. (2007). Theorizing justice for children born of war. In R. C. Carpenter, (Ed.), Born of war: Protecting children of sexual violence survivors in conflict zones (pp. 128-148). Bloomfield: Kumarian Press.
Goodhart, M. (2007). Children born of war and human rights: Philosophical reflections. In R. C. Carpenter, (Ed.), Born of war: Protecting children of sexual violence survivors in conflict zones (pp. 188-209). Bloomfield: Kumarian Press.
Goodhart, M. (2007). Sins of the fathers. War rape, wrongful procreation, and 12 children's human rights. Journal of Human Rights, 6( 3), 307-324. doi: 10.1080/14754830701334657
Harris Rimmer, S. (2007). Orphans or veterans? Justice for children born of rape in East Timor.
McEvoy-Levy, S. (2007). Human rights culture and children born of wartime rape. In R. C. Carpenter, (Ed.), Born of war: Protecting children of sexual violence survivors in conflict zones (pp. 149-179). Bloomfield: Kumarian Press.
Mochmann, I. C. (September 2008). The complexity of securing the interests of children born of war in post-conflict situations. Paper presented at Seventh International Conference on Logic and Methodology, Naples.
Mochmann, I. C. (July 2008). Securing the human rights of children born of war. Paper presented at Second Global International Studies Conference, Ljubljana. Retrieved from www.wiscnetwork.org/ljubljana2008/papers/WISC_2008-71.doc
Mochmann, I. C. (July 2010). Individual versus collective responsibility - who is responsible for the children born of war? Paper presented at International Sociological Association World Congress of Sociology, Gothenburg.
Mochmann, I. C., & Lee, S. (2010). The human rights of children born of war: Case analyses of past and present conflicts / Menschenrechte der kinder des krieges: Fallstudien vergangener und gegenwärtiger Konflikte. Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung, 35 (3), 268-298. doi: 10.2307/25758846
Mukangendo, M. C. (2007). Caring for children born of rape in Rwanda. In R. C. Carpenter, (Ed.), Born of war: Protecting children of sexual violence survivors in conflict zones (pp. 40-52). Bloomfield: Kumarian Press.
Watson, A. M. S. (2007). Children born of wartime rape: Rights and representations. International Feminist Journal of Politics, 9 (1), 20-34. doi: 10.1080/14616740601066242.