Nastassia Serste //

Research subject
Academic Beneficiary
Supervisory Team
Children Born of Vietnam War (1955 -1975): Life stories of Vietnamese Amerasians airlifted to Europe
Nastassia has a BA in History, an MA in Communication of History, and a Teacher Training Certificate from the University of Louvain (Belgium). Her MA thesis was titled 'The End of the Great War and the beginning of Allied occupation in a Belgian town: The presence of Canadian soldiers in Mons, from the Liberation to demobilization'. She studied the relationships between allied soldiers and the local Belgian population in the immediate Post-war.
Her current research focused upon Children born of the Vietnam War (1955-1975), fathered by American fathers and Vietnamese local mothers during the war. These children are called Vietnamese Amerasians. She has decided to focus on the children who came to Europe by the Operation Babylift since 1975. To collect information, she will be using archival work and oral history regarding Vietnamese Amerasians born of Vietnam War, in a collaborative project.
ESR participates in data analysis workshops / September 2017
CHIBOW ESR attends annual reunion of Amerasians Without Borders (AWB) / July 2017
ESR reports on secondment in Vietnam / June 2017
Vietnamese GI children » ESR participates in US project launch / February 2017