Sophie Roupetz //

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Academic Beneficiary
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News stories
Long-term effects of children born of war rape in occupied Germany and Austria
During her Masters studies Sophie worked at the department of Psycho- Oncology at Vienna’s General Hospital; supporting cancer patients by addressing their anxieties when facing medical therapies. During this time she also developed coping strategies with immigrants who were despairing of integration barriers, besides their somatic illness, and worked on the research project “Wartime Children” within the department of Psychology; an interdisciplinary study examining the current mental health status and prevalence of PTSD and lifetime traumatic events in Austria’s elderly with respect to WWII and subsequent occupation.
Sophie received the 2014 Research Award of the Austrian Crohn’s and Colitis Organization for her Masters thesis, which examined the resilience of people suffering inflammatory bowl disease. Sophie has also worked in Paris at the Université Rene Descartes, participating in the ERASMUS exchange program.
ESR contributes to academic paper after fruitful secondment / January 2018
CHIBOW ESRs participate in 1st European Education Summit / January 2018
CHIBOW ESRs Present Preliminary Results at Chicago Conference / November 2017
Workshop on Feasibility and Value of Using SenseMaker® in the Humanitarian Setting in Lebanon / November 2017
Crowdfunding Initiative to Establish a Trauma Centre in Lira, Northern Uganda / October 2017
Open workshop about Occupation Children in Austria and Germany at the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna / April 2017
CHIBOW ESR gives guest lectures at Ugandan Universities / February 2017
Data Analysis Workshop of Child Marriage Project at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada / December 2016
CHIBOW Early Stage Researcher Co-ordinating Research Project in Lebanon / September 2016
CHIBOW researchers attend workshop on Qualitative Content Analysis with Prof. Dr. Philipp Mayring / July 2016
CHIBOW researchers take part in intensive course on disaster preparedness