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CHIBOW Researcher Attends Conference on Silesian Regional Education

Early Stage Researcher Lisa Haberkern, member of the European Union’s Marie Curie Initial Training Network “Children born of war – past, present and future project,” attended the conference „Działalność muzeów jako wsparcie edukacji regionalnej”/”Participation of Museums in Regional Education”. The conference took place at the Hall of the Silesian Sejm on the 5th October and showcased a number of regional museums and other stakeholders in regional education in Upper Silesia. Amongst others Anna Kubica who represented the educational internet platform EDUŚ.

Representatives of the following Museums gave an insight on their educational program and goals:

[if !supportLists]· [endif]Documentation Center Deportatons of Upper Silesians to the SU in the Year 1945

[if !supportLists]· [endif]Upper Silesian Museum in Bytom

[if !supportLists]· [endif]Upper Silisean Ethnography Park in Chorzow

[if !supportLists]· [endif]Museum „Sztygarka”, City Museum of Dąbrowy Górniczej

[if !supportLists]· [endif]History Museum Katowice

[if !supportLists]· [endif]City Museum Tychy

[if !supportLists]· [endif]City Museum Zabrze

[if !supportLists]· [endif]Museum of the Silesian Uprisings, Świętochłowic

[if !supportLists]· [endif]Silesian Freedom and Solidarity Centre

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CHIBOW has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 642571

The University of Birmingham is the coordinating body of the Children

Born of War Initial Training Network

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