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CHIBOW researchers attend the ESA RN 20 Qualitative Methods Conference

Early Stage Researchers Jakub Gałęziowski (University Augsburg) and Lisa Haberkern (University of Silesia), members of the European Union’s Marie Curie Initial Training Network “Children born of war – past, present and future project,” are attending the this year’s edition of the conference in Cracow, Poland form the 1st to 3rd September.

Prior to the conference they participate in a workshop taught by Prof David Silverman. The Professor Emeritus of the Sociology Department at Goldsmiths College, University of London, has taught Qualitative Research from 1985 onward, and in recent years has authored a number of books on methodology in qualitative research.

During the workshop David Silverman gave three lectures (Introduction to QDA; Analysis of qualitative interviews; Naturalistic data). We also had opportunity to analyse together four extracts of interviews. Silverman pointed out that joint analysis of qualitative data is crucial. He warned not to be satisfied with our own analysis. Different point of views can shed a new light on data and interpretation. This is what we want to precede with during our Interview Analysis Workshop on the 26th September in Warsaw.

A practical tip he provided to the audience was, among others, to pose proper questions: rather asking 'when, where and how' instead of 'who or what'. He promotes working with naturalistic data, which, in his opinion, the researcher is provided with. He provoked the audience with the question of whether interview data is necessary for our research, or if we might find naturalistic data by analysing, for example, social media.

Please visit the ESA website for more information:

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CHIBOW has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 642571

The University of Birmingham is the coordinating body of the Children

Born of War Initial Training Network

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