CHIBOW Researcher attends Summer Academy of the German Poland Institute

Early Stage Researcher Lisa Haberkern, member of the European Union’s Marie Curie Initial Training Network “Children born of war – past, present and future project,” attended the 10th Interdisciplinary Summer Academy of the German Poland Institute in Darmstadt from 2nd to 10th September. Under the heading “News form research” 18 researchers presented their projects under the supervision of the Institutes’ Julia Roettjer, Manfred Mack and Dr Peter Oliver Loew as well as with Prof. Dr. Mirja Lecke (Ruhr-University Bochum), Prof. Dr. Jerzy Kochanowski (University Warsaw) and Dr. hab. Sebastian Płóciennik (Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych / Polish Institute of International Affaires). Lisa Haberkern presented her project in 30 minutes, introducing the topic, the CHIBOW-Network, the historical background as well as her research design.
Central topics were history, culture and politics. Next to the interdisciplinary exchange the Institutes infrastructure, foremost the library, stood open to the participants from Poland, the Ukraine and Germany. The German Poland Institute aims at the cultivation of Polish-German relations and the promotion of knowledge about the neighboring state in Germany. It works in the fields of research and education, is a space of political fora and is organizing public events on Polish culture, history, politics and society.