CHIBOW researchers to present at workshop on the Eastern European Regions 1945 - 1960
At the end of this month, CHIBOW partner organisation, German Historical Institute Warsaw (DHIW), in partnership with CHIBOW beneficiary Klaipeda University, will bring together researchers working on topics relating to the postwar period (1945 - 1960) in the Eastern European Regions. Researchers will offer different perspectives on the emerging new society in this period.
During the workshop, CHIBOW ESR Lisa Haberkern (University of Silesia, Katowice) will present her research on Upper Silesia and ESR Jakub Galeziowski (University of Augsburg) will present his research on children in the post-war period in Poland. Both will explore the precarity of finding self in post-conflict societies from the child's perspective.
For more information on the workshop visit DHIW's website here