CHIBOW researcher publishes an article on post-traumatic growth in prestigious international psychol

PhD researcher Saskia Mitreuter and Rahel Bachem from Tel Aviv just published a journal article in the highly renowned “Journal of Traumatic Stress”.
The article is titled “Longitudinal development of primary and secondary posttraumatic growth in aging veterans and their wives: Domain-specific trajectories” and is the result of a very fruitful collaboration during Saskia Mitreuter’s secondment at Tel Aviv University with prof. Zahava Solomon.
In the article, Bachem and Mitreuter investigate how post-traumatic growth (PTG) – the positive psychological transformations that follow traumatic events – develops over a course of three decades and with their results fill an important gap in international research.
The authors could show that – contrary to what is usually assumed in the research on PTG – that the subscales develop differently over time and that therefore PTG should not be considered a monolithic construct but rather a conglomeration of positive changes.
They were also the first researchers to address some fundamental questions regarding the nature of PTG, such as: What trajectories does PTG follow decades after trauma? And, what impact might aging have on long-term PTG development?
For a full read of the article, please request a copy from or visit the author’s profile.