CHIBOW ITN researcher presented preliminary results at Oslo workshop
The participatory workshop “Securing health care of hidden populations: The case of Children Born of War - What are the special risks and...

ESR returns from secondment in Tel Aviv
Amra Delic, the EU researcher from the University Medizin Greifswald and Marie Sklodowska Curie ITN “Children Born of War: Past, Present...

CHIBOW Researcher takes part in debate on “Trauma of War Rape and Forgiveness – Children Born of War
Within the Program of the Faculty of Catholic Theology of the University of Sarajevo: From war to reconciliation, contribution of...

CHIBOW researcher takes part in important CBOW book launch & reading
Amra Delic, PhD researcher within the CHIBOW ITN, proposed and coordinated the translation project of the German book "Wir...

The search is on for 15 exceptional researchers
Fifteen Early Stage Researcher (ESR) positions are available within the CHIBOW Initial Training Network, each hosted by one of CHIBOW’s...