CHIBOW at a conference in Boston, MA
Each fall, the convention of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) offers a unique platform for...

Recall & Progress of establishing a trauma centre in northern Uganda - Crowdfunding to support E
In 2017, ESR Sophie Roupetz initialized a crowdfunding supporting the local NGO EACH “Empowerment Action for Community Health Uganda" in...

CHIBOW ESR interviews Dennis E. director of Project Hope Worldwide
During her secondment in northern Uganda in 2016, ESR Sophie Roupetz met with local and international NGOs to discuss current challenges...

CHIBOW researcher publishes an article on post-traumatic growth in prestigious international psychol
PhD researcher Saskia Mitreuter and Rahel Bachem from Tel Aviv just published a journal article in the highly renowned “Journal of...

ESR receives a prize at the 52nd Biennial Meeting of German Historians
At the End of September, the University of Münster hosted one of the largest humanities conferences in Europe with about 3500...

'Michiko' at the Ottawa International Animation Festival
The film ‘Michiko’, which was made in collaboration between University of Birmingham PhD researcher Kanako Kuramitsu and story artist...

If we want people to say 'no more war' we have to show how brutal it is
In the following brief, ESR Eleanor Seymour and Prof Sabine Lee discuss their research of gender-based violence in conflict....

Children Born of War – The Story Told: Developing a Website on Sino-Japanese Children Born of War (C
The research that Rose Parkinson (MA Global History) undertook working with the Children Born of War team took her all the way to Germany...

CHIBOW network in Austrian news
Following the CHIBOW Final Conference in Leipzig in June 2018, ESRs Sophie Roupetz, Lisa Haberkern and Lukas Schretter wrote two...

New report on child marriage among Syrian refugees in Lebanon
CHIBOW ESRs Sophie Roupetz and CHIBOW partner Susan Bartels and the NGO ABAAD have put together a report entitled Caught in...