MICHIKO: a child born of war
Synopsis: "An untold story of Michiko, who was born of a Chinese mother and a Japanese father during the Second Sino-Japanese War...
CHIBOW ITN researcher presented preliminary results at Oslo workshop
The participatory workshop “Securing health care of hidden populations: The case of Children Born of War - What are the special risks and...
CHIBOW international conference raises awareness of conflict-related sexual violence
The Symposium “A transgenerational perspective on conflict-related sexual violence: Facing the Past – Transforming the Future” held in...
CHIBOW ESRs present preliminary findings at Belfast Conference
The 12th European Social Science History Conference was held in Belfast, Northern Ireland in the first week of April 2018. Chaired by Dr...
CHIBOW ESRs participate in 1st European Education Summit
CHIBOW ESRs Sophie Roupetz and Jakub Galeziowski travelled to Brussels in January 2018 to represent the network at the first ever...
ESR completes research residence at University of Birmingham
In February 2018, Lukas Schretter spent three weeks conducting research at the University of Birmingham. He studied the history of...
Children fathered by British soldiers in Austria after World War II: Childhood experiences and the c
Children fathered by Allied soldiers and growing up with single mothers in Austria and Germany, commonly referred to as...
CHIBOW researchers to present at workshop on the Eastern European Regions 1945 - 1960
At the end of this month, CHIBOW partner organisation, German Historical Institute Warsaw (DHIW), in partnership with CHIBOW beneficiary...
ESR contributes to academic paper after fruitful secondment
ESR Sophie Roupetz traveled to Lebanon in 2016 for a secondment, in which she supported the research project “Making Sense of Child...
ESR returns from secondment in Tel Aviv
Amra Delic, the EU researcher from the University Medizin Greifswald and Marie Sklodowska Curie ITN “Children Born of War: Past, Present...